When you set out to buy a car, you generally take time to consider your needs and your budget. These same considerations are equally as important when shopping for auto insurance. We are inundated by car insurance advertisements every day; it’s difficult to know which one is really the best for you and your family. Start your search by finding out your state’s insurance requirements, which can range anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000 per accident. Choosing the amount of coverage you need is the most important factor. Once you decide which type of coverage you need, you can easily compare policies online to find an agency that offers affordable car insurance in West Palm Beach, or in your area.
Three Types of Auto Insurance
Liability insurance is the least expensive option and usually covers damage you have caused in an accident. It’s designed to take care of damage to the other car or injury to the people involved in an accident; it usually doesn’t cover damage to you or your vehicle.
Collision insurance covers any repairs needed after an accident. In order to make sure the costs of your repairs will be taken care of, get a list of approved repair shops from your agency.
Comprehensive coverage pays for damage from theft, floods, vandalism, and damage caused by events other than collisions. Some comprehensive plans also cover damage caused by uninsured drivers.
If you have taken out a loan on your car, your lender may have rules about the type of coverage you need; most lenders require comprehensive coverage. If you own your car outright, you can decide which kind of coverage is best for you, as long as you are in compliance with state laws.
Tips for Choosing the Best Car Insurance
Whether you are purchasing your first auto insurance policy or reviewing your current policy, take time to compare several agencies. It’s recommended that you check your rates annually. You can choose to get personalized quotes from agents, or save time by using online comparison tools.
Pick an insurance agency with good ratings. If you’re dealing with a reputable company, they will most likely post customer reviews online. Look for comments regarding claims, payments, and customer service. Another great resource is your state’s department of insurance website. Most states publish a report stating how many complaints a car insurance company has received.
Choosing the right deductible can save you money. A higher deductible will reduce your overall premium, but will cost you more if you have an accident. A lower deductible means less out of pocket at the time of the accident, but higher premiums along the way. If you have a good driving record and don’t have accidents on your record, you may want to consider the higher deductible.
Taking advantage of all possible discounts is the best way to make auto insurance more affordable. Most insurance companies offer discounts for older drivers, married drivers, and safe driving records. You can also save money by purchasing a car with anti-theft protection and anti-lock brake systems. You may be offered discounts for bundling your auto and home owners insurance; however, you should check the cost together and separately before you make your decision.
Ask the insurance company which options they offer for future savings. Some companies have programs that reduce your deductible for each year of safe driving, or you may have the option to keep your deductible the same after your first accident.